St. Paul's Lutheran Church
proud to be a member of the South Central Synod of Wisconsin of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
January 19, 2025 - Second Sunday after Epiphany
The Sundays after Epiphany continue to celebrate the revelation of God’s glory to us as it was made known to the magi and to those on Jordan’s banks at Jesus’ baptism—today using wedding imagery. Our God rejoices over God’s people as those being married rejoice over one another. By the power of the Spirit there are gifts galore for everyone. In Christ Jesus the best wine is saved for last. Taste and see.
[From Copyright © 2023 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #SAS016842.]
Isaiah 62:1-5: As bridegroom and bride rejoice, so shall God rejoice over you
Psalm 36:5-10: We feast upon the abundance of your house, O Lord. (Ps. 36:8)
1 Corinthians 12:1-11: There are a variety of gifts but the same Spirit
John 2:1-11: The wedding at Cana
**The bulletin is available for you to download and print if you choose.
Alter flowers are given in memory of Dave Schubring given by Karen Schubring
Winter Blessings to all!
Pastor Karen and the members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
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We know that some are financially suffering during this challenging time, unable to give as they have or would like. If you are able to contribute and have not recently given, please give a gift today. You can mail your offerings to the church (727 8th St., Baraboo), use Simply Giving, or use your online bill-pay service through your bank.