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St. Paul's Lutheran Church
proud to be a member of the South Central Synod of Wisconsin of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
God has given each of us various talents and gifts.
At St. Paul's we are NURTURED and EQUIPPED to WITNESS and SERVE!

Worship Teams
If you want to get involved, please volunteer.
Greeters: Greet people as they come into church, answer questions, help those who are new as needed.
Communion Assistants: Assist the pastor with serving communion.
Ushers: Light candles, assist worshippers as they come into the sanctuary, hand out bulletins, receive the offering, and direct worshippers for communion.
Lectors: Read scripture readings during worship.
A / V Projection Assistants: Run the projection of worship slides for worship.

Altar Care
These volunteers prepare for communion and baptisms, fill candles, change paraments, etc. as needed.

Adult Choir
The choir provides special music two Sundays a month (September through May and periodically through the summer months) at both Sunday Worship Services. They practice on Wednesday evenings at 5:45 pm.
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