St. Paul's Lutheran Church
proud to be a member of the South Central Synod of Wisconsin of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” John 14:27
Visit our YouTube site
Bethel Lutheran Church (Madison) broadcasts their service on Sundays at 10:00am on WKOW Channel 27.
Many resources can be found on our synod website: www.scsw-elca.org
Under the “Resources” tab, click on “Connected Community.” There you will find:
Information about churches that are able to livestream worship services (both Sunday and Wednesday Lenten)
Recorded “Worship Moments” https://scsw-elca.org/community/ – with reflections by our interim bishop, Rev. Peter Rogness
And many more resources for the coming weeks.
I have begun doing daily postings (prayers / devotions / reflections / positive quotes) on our church Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/stpaulsbaraboo.org/
Additional Faith Formation resources are available here:
​Praying with and for you all! PK