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St. Paul’s Mission Endowment Fund


St. Paul’s is supported by giving from its parishioners. Giving can be categorized into one of three purposes: general giving, memorial giving and legacy giving.


On January 26, 2020 the congregation established the St. Paul’s Mission Endowment Fund to ensure our legacy giving. Our commitment to establish and grow a mission endowment fund is to strengthen and expand our capacity to witness to the Gospel through service to others. Now it will be possible for parishioners to give legacy gifts to help St Paul’s expand our mission outreach into the many communities that we are a part of.


Our Mission Endowment Fund is invested in the ELCA Endowment Fund the investments which are administered by The ELCA Foundation. Local administration is done by an Endowment Fund Committee comprised of members of St. Paul’s.


Donations to the Endowment Fund may be made in any number of ways. The greater majority of donations will be in some manner of cash, stocks, beneficiaries of insurance policies etc. Non-cash donations such as stocks or other material assets may be made with the permission of the committee. However, the donor should be aware that those non-cash donations will be converted to a cash basis in an expedient manner.


Our goal is to grow the fund and once we reach $100,000 start to make distributions to the various “communities” we are members of. These distributions are limited in amount and recipient as defined by the by-laws that were adopted by the congregation.


Frequently asked questions: (click question for answer)


January 19, 2025 -  Second Sunday after Epiphany

The Sundays after Epiphany continue to celebrate the revelation of God’s glory to us as it was made known to the magi and to those on Jordan’s banks at Jesus’ baptism—today using wedding imagery. Our God rejoices over God’s people as those being married rejoice over one another. By the power of the Spirit there are gifts galore for everyone. In Christ Jesus the best wine is saved for last. Taste and see.

[From Copyright © 2023 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #SAS016842.]



Isaiah 62:1-5: As bridegroom and bride rejoice, so shall God rejoice over you
Psalm 36:5-10: We feast upon the abundance of your house, O Lord. (Ps. 36:8)
1 Corinthians 12:1-11: There are a variety of gifts but the same Spirit
John 2:1-11: The wedding at Cana


**The bulletin is available for you to download and print if you choose.


Alter flowers are given in memory of Dave Schubring given by Karen Schubring


Winter Blessings to all!
Karen and the members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church


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