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 Worship Schedule & Guidelines 
Subject to Change

Updated 09/08/24


September - May                                Summer (Memorial through Labor Day)

Sunday: 8:30 AM Traditional             Sunday: 9:00 AM 

Sunday: 10:30 AM Praise                

A typical worship service is about an hour in length. Whether traditional or contemporary, our worship follow this typical flow:

  • Gathering - Gathering Song(s), Confession and Forgiveness, and Prayer of the Day

  • Word - Scripture, Sermon, Sermon song, Creed, Prayers, and Sharing of the Peace

  • Meal - Offering, Thanksgiving, Lord's Prayer, and Holy Communion

  • Sending - Blessing, Sending Song, and Dismissal

Children of all ages are encouraged to come to worship.

  • Activity bags are available for your use, located just outside the sanctuary.

  • When a Children's Message is offered, encourage your young one to come forward. If they are too shy to come forward on their own, feel free to come up with them.

  • We know there are times when a Cry Room is helpful for you.

  • The Cry Room is located just outside the sanctuary - there you can watch and hear the service.


The sacrament of Holy Communion is central to our life together. It is celebrated every time we gather for worship. All are welcome! It is the Lord's meal - he is both host and meal. It is he who invites you to share in this meal of grace.

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