St. Paul's Lutheran Church
proud to be a member of the South Central Synod of Wisconsin of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
What is Simply Giving?
Simply Giving is an automated giving program which helps you consistently and conveniently contribute your offering to St. Paul’s.
How does it work?
Through Simply Giving, your offerings are made through a pre-authorized withdrawal from your checking or savings account. You determine the amount and the frequency of your gift – weekly, twice a month or monthly. Your offering is deposited into St. Paul’s account on the same day it is withdrawn from your account, at no cost to you.
Benefits for you:
Simply Giving is a reliable, safe way to put your
stewardship plan into action. Because your gift is given consistently, you won’t need to play “catch up” at year-end or worry about forgotten checkbooks or missed Sunday offerings.
Benefits to St. Paul’s:
Simply Giving provides a steady, more predictable revenues throughout the year, more efficient bookkeeping and greater confidence in our ability to meet our financial commitments.
How do I sign up?
To sign up for Simply Giving, complete the online form below.
Or, complete the downloadable Enrollment and Authorization Form, attach a voided check or savings deposit slip, and return them to Kelly Rodenschmit, the Financial Secretary, or send it into the church office.