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Coffee Hour – purchase or bake cookies or snack, brew coffee, and set-up, host, and clean up after the coffee hour Sunday’s following the traditional service.  


Funeral lunches – Assist with the set-up and/or clean-up of funeral lunches hosted at St. Paul’s. 



Helping Hands – Provide services and financial assistance to those in need within our church family and the Baraboo community (Baraboo Food Pantry, Warming Shelter, Kid’s Ranch, Hope House, etc.)


Quilters – Quilts are assembled on Tuesday mornings, September through early May.  These beautiful quilts are given to Lutheran Social Services, Lutheran World Relief, Hope House of South-Central Wisconsin, etc. 


Mission Gatherers – Join with area churches to minister to the needs of those in our community through: Meals on Wheels, Peanut Butter Lunch Bunch, Thanksgiving Meals, The Giving Tree, etc.


“God’s Work. Our Hands.” –   Join us for an afternoon of service in our community.  Watch for more information. 



Parish Nurse – A parish nurse is a specialized practice that focuses on the intentional care of the spirit as part of the process of promoting holistic health and preventing or minimizing illness in a faith community. 

Yvonne Smith is available to check blood pressures, assist with medical / health questions, etc. 


Home visitation and communion – Visit and take communion to a shut-in or home bound member one time

each month.


Grief mailings – Send out bereavement packets on schedule.


Sunshine – Send cards during illness or special occasions (anniversaries, thinking of you, etc.) to members.


Prayer Shawl ministry – Those who love to knit or crochet blend their own prayers, talents, gifts and grace into beautiful prayer shawls that are given to those in need of prayer and love to comfort, console and strengthen them. 



January 19, 2025 -  Second Sunday after Epiphany

The Sundays after Epiphany continue to celebrate the revelation of God’s glory to us as it was made known to the magi and to those on Jordan’s banks at Jesus’ baptism—today using wedding imagery. Our God rejoices over God’s people as those being married rejoice over one another. By the power of the Spirit there are gifts galore for everyone. In Christ Jesus the best wine is saved for last. Taste and see.

[From Copyright © 2023 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #SAS016842.]



Isaiah 62:1-5: As bridegroom and bride rejoice, so shall God rejoice over you
Psalm 36:5-10: We feast upon the abundance of your house, O Lord. (Ps. 36:8)
1 Corinthians 12:1-11: There are a variety of gifts but the same Spirit
John 2:1-11: The wedding at Cana


**The bulletin is available for you to download and print if you choose.


Alter flowers are given in memory of Dave Schubring given by Karen Schubring


Winter Blessings to all!
Karen and the members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church


Got a question? No PK? No problem! Contact one of your Council members!


Check out our weekly Announcements!


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