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Christian baptism is a once-in-a-lifetime water washing in the name of the triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  In this sacrament, Christ promises and bestows life and salvation, the forgiveness of sins, the gift of the Holy Spirit, and adoption as a beloved child of God.   


Because the sacrament of baptism publicly marks our entrance into God’s family and into a community of faith, baptisms at St. Paul’s are done during a worship service where the congregation makes promises to the newly baptized (along with the parents and sponsors) and the newly baptized is welcomed into the congregation.  The Christian community is very important for the nurturing of faith and support in our walks of faith. 


If you have questions about baptism or are interested in scheduling a baptism for your child(ren) or yourself, please contact Pastor Karen Hofstad.



Congratulations and God’s blessings on your decision to be married!   We are pleased that you are considering or have chosen to have your wedding at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. 


“Marriage is a gift of God, intended for the joy and mutual strength of those who enter it and for the well-being of the whole human family.  In creation God blessed humankind with mutual companionship, the capacity to love, and the care and nurture of children.  Jesus affirmed the covenant of marriage and revealed God’s own self-giving love on the cross.  The Holy Spirit helps those who are united in marriage to be living signs of God’s grace, love, and faithfulness.”  --Evangelical Lutheran Worship


Marriage Policy: The pastor of this congregation may, at the pastor's discretion, either on church grounds or elsewhere, marry any couple that may be legally married in the state.


For detailed information on weddings at St. Paul’s, including policies, fees and planning guidelines, please download our wedding booklet for members or non-members.


If you have questions or would like to schedule a wedding, please contact

Pastor Karen Hofstad

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